张友君 研究员





张友君,研究员,博导,原子与分子物理研究所副所长,高能量密度物理及技术教育部重点实验室副主任,四川省学术和技术带头人,四川省特聘专家。获国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金、四川省自然科学基金杰出青年基金、四川大学百人计划等。2009年毕业于西北工业大学飞行器动力工程;2012年获中物院研究生院工程力学硕士学位;2015年获日本广岛大学地球与行星系统科学博士学位。2015.12-2018.2:北京高压科学研究中心,德州大学奥斯汀分校访问学者;2018.3-2021.9:四川大学,副研究员(副教授);2021.9-至今:四川大学,研究员(教授)(破格晋升)。至今在Science, PNAS, PRL, Sci. Bull., EPSL, GRL, PRB, JGR, APL等著名SCI期刊上发表论文40余篇,其中一作或通讯30余篇。主持国家级、省部级以及企事业单位技术转化项目等共20余项,近五年获批科研经费逾千万元。担任中国矿物岩石地球化学学会专委会委员、冲击波物理与爆轰物理全国重点实验室学术委员会委员、《Acta Geochimica》编委、《高压物理学报》编委、《Geoscience Frontiers》客座编辑;担任Science、Nature、PRL、GRL、EPSL、NSR等著名期刊审稿人。







课题组可为各类企事业单位提供高速撞击(0-6 km/s)和高温高压原位物理实验服务,比如撞击回收、状态方程、冲击温度、冲击强度、动态力学行为测试等力学、光学、声学和电学等实验,以及极端条件物理实验室建设服务等。


11. 2024年4月,第十五批四川省学术和技术带头人

10. 2023年12月,四川大学重大基础研究成果奖(二类)

9. 2022年12月,四川大学重大基础研究成果奖(二类)

8. 2022年12月,四川大学优秀科研人才奖(三类)

7. 2021年6月,四川大学“好未来优秀学者奖”二等奖

6. 2021年1月,四川大学学术新人奖

5. 2020年入选四川省高层次引进人才计划和四川省特聘专家

4. 2019-2022年度四川大学原子与分子物理研究所优秀教员

3. 2015年3月,日本广岛大学理学院杰出成就奖

2. 2014年10月,日本高压科学与技术协会海外发表奖

1. 2012年5月,中国教育部国家建设高水平大学公派留学奖学金














代表论文Selected 15 peer-reviewed papers

* Corresponding author

15. B. Gan, J. Li, J. Gao, Q. Zeng, W. Song, Y. Zhuang, Y. Hua, Q. Wu, G. Jiang, Y. Yin*, and Y. Zhang*. Electrical conductivity of copper under ultrahigh pressure-temperature conditions by both experiments and first-principles simulations. Physical Review B, 109, 115129 (2024) (Naure Index)

14. Y. Zhang#, Y. Wang#, Y. Huang, J. Wang, Z. Liang, L. Hao, Z. Gao, J. Li*, Q. Wu, H. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Sun*, and J. Lin*, Collective motion in hcp-Fe at Earth’s inner core conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 120, e2309952120 (2023) (Nature Index)

13. B. Gan, G. Jiang, Y. Huang, H. Zhang, Q. Hu*, Y. Zhang*, Phase diagram and thermoelastic property of iron oxyhydroxide across the spin crossover under extreme conditions, Physical Review B , 107, 064106 (2023) (Nature Index)

12. Y. Huang, M. Hou, B. Gan, X. Li, D. He, G. Jiang, Y. Zhang*, and Y. Liu, Iron-carbon alloy under shock compression: implications for the carbon concentration in Earth’s inner core. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(4), e2021JB023645 (2022) (Nature Index)

11. Y. Zhang* and J.-F. Lin*, Molten iron in Earth-like exoplanet cores. Science, 375(6577), 146-147 (2022) (Nature Index)

10. Y. Zhang#, K. Luo#, M. Hou#, P. Driscoll, N. Salke, J. Minár, V. Prakapenka, E. Greenberg, R. J. Hemley*, R. E. Cohen*, and J.-F. Lin*. Thermal conductivity of Fe-Si alloys and thermal stratification in Earth’s core. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 119(1), e2119001119 (2022) (Nature Index)

9. Y. Zhuang#, B. Gan#, Z. Cui, R. Tang, R. Tao, M. Hou, G. Jiang, C. Popescu, G. Garbarino, Y. Zhang*, Q. Hu*. Mid-mantle water transportation implied by the electrical and seismic properties of ε-FeOOH. Science Bulletin, 67, 748-754 (2022).

8. B. Gan, Y. Zhang*, Y. Huang, X. Li, Q. Wang, J. Li, Y. Zhuang, Y. Liu, G. Jiang. Partial deoxygenation and dehydration of ferric oxyhydroxide in Earth's subducting slabs. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(17), e2021GL094446 (2021). (Nature Index)

7. Y. Zhang*, M. Hou, P. Driscoll, N. Salke, J. Liu, V. Prakapenka, E. Greenberg, and J.-F. Lin*. Transport properties of Fe-Ni-Si alloys at Earth's core conditions: Insight into the viability of thermal and compositional convection. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 553, 116614 (2021). (Nature Index)

6. J. Li, Q. Wu, J. Li, T. Xue, Y. Tan, X. Zhou, Y. Zhang*, Z. Xiong, Z. Gao, and T. Sekine. Shock melting curve of iron: a consensus on the temperature at the Earth's inner core boundary. Geophysical Research Letters. 47(15), e2020GL087758 (2020). (Nature Index)

5. Y. Zhang#, M. Hou#, G. Liu, C. Zhang, V. Prakapenka, E. Greenberg, Y. Fei, R. E. Cohen*, and J.-F. Lin*. Reconciliation of experiments and theory on transport properties of iron and the geodynamo. Physical Review Letters, 125(7), 078501 (2020). (Nature Index)

4. Y. Zhang, Y. Tan, H. Y. Geng, N. Salke, Z. Gao, J. Li*, T. Sekine, Q. Wang, E. Greenberg, V. Prakapenka, and JF. Lin*. Melting curve of vanadium up to 256 GPa: consistency between experiments and theory. Physical Review B, 102(21), 214104 (2020). (Nature Index)

3. Y. Zhang*, P. Nelson, N. Dygert, and J.-F. Lin*, Fe alloy slurry and a compacting cumulate pile across Earth's inner-core boundary. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124 (11), 10954-10967 (2019). (Nature Index)

2. Y. Zhang, C. Yang, A. Alatas, A. Said, N. Salke, J. Hong*, and JF. Lin*. Pressure effect on Kohn Anomaly and Electronic Topological Transition in Single-Crystal Tantalum, Physical Review B, 100 (7), 075145 (2019). (Nature Index)

1. Y. Zhang, T. Sekine*, J.-F. Lin, H. He, F. Liu, M. Zhang, T. Sato, W. Zhu, and Y. Yu. Shock Compression and Melting of an Fe‐Ni‐Si Alloy: Implications for the Temperature Profile of the Earth's Core and the Heat Flux Across the Core‐Mantle Boundary. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(2): 1314-1327 (2018). (Nature Index)



Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=O4hlowkAAAAJ

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5340-4170

Mentored students


博士后:甘 波(Postdoc, 2023-; Ph.D., 2019-2023, co-super.)

博士生:黄钰倩(Ph.D. 2022-; M.S., 2019-2022, co-super.), 周露艳(Ph.D., 2023-; M.S., 2020-2023), 张毅丰(Ph.D., 2023-), 宋文豪(Ph.D. , 2021-), 胡明东(Ph.D. , 2024-)

硕士生:吴杰(M.S., 2021-), 曾琪茹(M.S., 2022-), 何雨蕾(M.S., 2022-), 汪洋(M.S., 2022-),何庆(M.S., 2023-),金海东(M.S., 2023-),李辉(M.S., 2023-),任磊(M.S., 2023-),宋洋(M.S., 2023-),唐凯乐(M.S., 2023-)


华颖鑫(R.A., 2021-2022,中物院深造), 李孝红(M.S., 2019-2022, co-super.,中科院深造),唐灿莲(M.S., 2021-2024,四川大学材料学院深造)

Conferences and invited talks

25. Youjun Zhang et al. Collective motion-induced shear softening of iron at the conditions of Earth's inner core. AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco(口头报告), USA (2023)

24. 张友君,地核的状态、物性与演化研究进展,第十届实验矿物岩石地球化学专业委员会,湖北汉川(2023)

23. 张友君,地球内核的热结构与剪切软化,第九届从原子到地球(大会邀请报告),都江堰(2023),会议主办方和会议主席

22. 张友君,典型矿物的冲击压缩响应以及物理与化学性质,中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第18届学术年会(邀请报告),合肥(2023)

21. 张友君,动、静加载高温高压下过渡金属的电导率测量技术,第二十一届中国高压科学学术会议(邀请报告),大连(2023)

20. 张友君,典型过渡金属在极端条件下的物理性质,极端条件物质科学论坛(线上邀请报告),吉林大学(2022)

19. 张友君,轻元素对地核输运性质的影响与地核对流机制探讨,第七届青年地学论坛(分会邀请报告),贵阳(2021)

18. 张友君,地球外核的状态与物性研究新进展,2021年实验矿石地球化学专业委员会(大会邀请报告),南京大学,南京(2021).

17. 张友君,过渡金属在极端条件下的晶格振动与输运性质,第一届极端材料多尺度研究研讨会议(大会邀请报告),广州(2021).

16. 张友君,地核的热结构和热流量,浙江省地球大数据与地球深部资源重点实验室学术年会(大会邀请报告),浙江大学,杭州(2020).

15. 张友君,铁和铁合金的高温高压物性与地核的温度,轻元素,热演化以及内核固化的研究进展,中国地球科学联合学术年会2020,重庆,(2020).

14. Youjun Zhang et al. Shock-induced melting of iron and the melting temperature at Earth's inner-core boundary revisited. JpGU-AGU joint meeting, Japan (2020).

13. Youjun Zhang et al. Fe alloy snow and fractional solidification at the lowermost outer core. JpGU-AGU joint meeting, Japan (2020).

12. Youjun Zhang et al. Electrical and thermal conductivity of Fe alloys at Earth's core conditions and the evolution of the geodynamo, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA (2019).

11. Youjun Zhang et al. Impurity effect on the iron’s transport properties at Earth’s core conditions: A key constraint for the evolution of the Earth’s core. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU) 2019, Chiba, Japan, (2019)

10. Youjun Zhang et al. Transport Properties of Fe at Earth's Core Conditions: Agreement between Experiment and Theory, AGU Fall meeting 2018, Washington, DC, USA (2018)

9. Youjun Zhang et al., Lattice dynamics in Ta at high pressure. The 26th International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology (AIRAPT 26), Beijing, China (2017).

8. Youjun Zhang et al., Lattice dynamics and elasticity of Mo at high pressure by inelastic x-ray scattering. The 18th high pressure meeting of China, Chengdu, China (2016).

7. Youjun Zhang et al., Melting of the Fe Alloys at Core Pressures and the Thermal Structure of the Earth. Goldschmidt 2016 SHAPE  \* MERGEFORMAT

6. Youjun Zhang et al., Shock temperature measurements and melting for Fe-Ni-Si alloy by optical pyrometry. The 56th High Pressure Conference of Japan, Hiroshima, Japan (2015).

5. Youjun Zhang et al., Sound velocities and melting of Fe-Ni-Si system at high pressures under shock loading. American Geophysics Union Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA (2014).

4. Youjun Zhang et al., Seismographic proofs for silicon in the liquid Fe-Ni outer core of the Earth. The 55th High Pressure Conference of Japan, Tokushima, Japan (2014).

3. Youjun Zhang et al., Shock equation of state of Fe-Ni-Si alloy up to the outer core pressure. The 54th High Pressure Conference of Japan, Niigata, Japan (2013).

2. Youjun Zhang et al., Dynamic behaviors of antigorite during planetary formation. The 53th High Pressure Conference of Japan, Osaka, Japan (2012).

1. Youjun Zhang, et al., Statistics on spall strength of high-purity OFHC under planar shock-wave loading. China Mechanical Assembly-2011, Harbin, China (2011).