贺端威 教授
贺端威,教授、博导。1998年从中科院物理所获得凝聚态物理博士学位,1999年-2006年先后在本国立材料科学研究所、美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室、普林斯顿大学、斯伦贝谢公司研发部等单位从事科研或研发工作,2005年底至今在四川大学原子与分子物理研究所工作。先后担任四川大学原子与分子物理研究所所长,高温高压物理(川大-中物院联合)研究所所长(四川大学方),《高压物理学报》副主编,以及美国国民油井公司高级顾问等职。2006年-2017年,作为项目负责人完成及承担国家自然科学基金、重大/重点专项、国际合作以及企业委托研发项目等30余项,合计科研经费逾2000万元。在Advanced Materials、PNAS、PRL、PRB等刊物上发表论文被SCI收录100余篇,被引用3000余篇次,H因子28,国内外授权发明专利10余项。在超硬复合材料、大腔体静高压技术等领域所主导研发的科研成果,已在国内外多家企业得到推广应用,年产值逾亿元。
1.2017年四川省科技进步奖(自然科学类)二等奖,纳米结构透明陶瓷的设计和制备中的关键科学问题研究,主要完成人:卢铁城 贺端威 齐建起 施奇武 张杰 常相辉。
2.入选2012年Marquis Who’sWho in the World,任《高压物理学报》副主编。
9.1998年,日本科技厅/科学技术振兴协会“STA Fellow”。
1.贺端威,许超,王海阔,“利用铰链式六面顶压机制备高性能聚晶金刚石的方法”,中国发明专利,2015年9月16日,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0214859.8。
2.王文丹,贺端威*,“八面体压腔静高压装置的二级压砧与二级增压单元”,中国发明专利,2015年7月8日,专利号:ZL 2013 1 0356218.6。
3.贺端威,王海阔,谭宁,王文丹,寇自力,彭放,“一种顶锤-预密封边高压装置”,中国发明专利,2012年12月19日,专利号:ZL 2010 1 0142804.7。
4.贺端威,李文强,张伟,李文雍,海底天然气水合物开采装置及其开采方法,中国发明专利,2011年8月3日(专利号:ZL 2009 1 0059321.8)。
5.王赵, 贺端威*, 张伟, 李文强, 李文雍, 雷力, 秦家千, 曹阳, 李光,便携式高压及气水合物实验装置, 2013年5月15号,发明专利号:ZL 2008 1 0148135.7。
6.陆裕平,贺端威*,惠博,陈波, 孙光爱, 陈喜平,“ 原位中子衍射用对顶砧高压装置”,中国发明专利,2014年2月26日,专利号:ZL 2011 1 0377729.7。
7.贺端威等,“纳米粉体的真空处理方法“ ,中国发明专利,2010年6月30日(专利号: ZL 2007 1 0050753.3)。
8.贺端威,“超厚穿透弹弹头“,中国国防发明专利(2007年6月29日,申请号:200710081660.7),2012年11月21日,专利号:ZL 200710081660.7。
9.贺端威,王福龙,寇自力,彭放,“用于产生超高压的装置”,中国发明专利,2009年5月13日,(专利号:ZL 2007 1 0048839.2)。
10.Yusheng Zhao & Duanwei He,Preparation of Bulk Superhard B-C-N Nanocomposite Compact, US Patent (美国专利) 7,938,997; Issued May 10, 2011.
11.Yusheng Zhao & Duanwei He, Bulk Superhard B-C-N Nanocomposite Compact and Method For Preparing Thereof, US Patent (美国专利) 6,759,128; Issued July 6, 2004.
1.Jin Liu, Guodong Zhan, Qiang Wang, Xiaozhi Yan, Fangming Liu, Pei Wang, Li Lei, Fang Peng, Zili Kou, and Duanwei He*, Superstrong micr-grained polycrystalline compact through work hardening under high pressure, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 061901 (2018).
2.Wei Ding, Jingjing Han, Qiwei Hu, Yang Chen, Fangming Liu, Yinjuan Liu, Li Gou, Duanwei He**, and Guodong Zhan*, Stress control of heterogeneous nanocrystalline diamond sphere through pressure-temperature tuning, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110(12), 121908 (2017).
3.Xiaozhi Yan*, Haini Dong, Guangai Sun, Xiangting Ren, Duanwei He*, and Wenge Yang*,Strength coupling in mixed phases under high pressure,Physical Review B 94, 144104 (2016).
4.Xiaozhi Yan, Dayong Tan, Xiangting Ren, Wenge Yang*, Duanwei He* and Ho-Kwang Mao, Anomalous compression behavior of germanium during phase transformation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107(10), 101901_1-4 (2015).
5.Pei Wang, Duanwei He*, Liping Wang, Zili Kou, Yong Li, Lun Xiong, Qiwei Hu, Chao Xu, Li Lei, Qiming Wang, Jing Liu and Yusheng Zhao, Diamond-cBN alloy: A universal cutting material, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106(17), 171902_1-5 (2015).
6.Shanmin Wang*, Jinlong Zhu, Yi Zhang, Xiaohui Yu, Jianzhong Zhang, Wendan Wang, Ligang Bai, Jiang Qian, Liang Yin, Neil S Sullivan, Changqing Jin, Duanwei He*, Jian Xu, and Yusheng Zhao*, Unusual Mott transition in multiferroic PbCrO3, PNAS, 1510415112_1-6 (2015).
7.Qiming Wang, Duanwei He*, Fang Peng, Li Lei, Pingping Liu, Shuai Yin, Pei Wang, Chao Xu, and Jing Liu, Unusual Compression Behavior of Nanocrystalline CeO2, Scientific Reports 4,4441-4448 (2014).
8.Miao Chen, Shanmin Wang*, Jiangzhong Zhang, Duanwei He*, and Yusheng Zhao*, Synthesis of stoichiometric CrN crystals through solid-state ion-exchange reaction, Chemistry-A European Journal 18, 15459-15463 (2012).
9.Shanmin Wang, Miao Chen, Jianzhong Zhang, Ruifeng Zhang, Duanwei He*, and Yusheng Zhao*, Experimental invalidation of phase-transition induced elastic softening in CrN, Physical Review B 86, 064111 (2012).
10.Shanmin Wang, Xiaohui Yu, Zhijun Lin, Ruifeng Zhang, Duanwei He*, Jiaqian Qin, Jinlong Zhu, Lin Wang, Ho-kwang Mao, Jianzhong Zhang* and Yusheng Zhao,*, Synthesis, crystal structure, and elastic properties of novel tungsten nitrides, Chemistry of Materials 24, 3023-3028 (2012).
11.Mingjun Tang, Duanwei He, Wendan Wang, Haikuo Wang, Chao Xu, Fengjiao Li, Junwei Guan, Superhard solid solutions of diamond and cubic boron nitride, Scripta Materialia 66, 781-784 (2012).
12.Li Lei and Duanwei He*, Synthesis of GaN crystals through solid-state metathesis reaction under high pressure, Crystal Growth & Design 9, 1264-1266 (2009).
13.Haini Dong, Duanwei He*, Thomas S. Duffy, Yusheng Zhao, Elastic moduli and strength of nanocrystalline cubic BC2N from x-ray diffraction under nonhydrostatic compression, Physical Review B 79, 014105 (2009).
14.Jiaqian Qin, Duanwei He*, Jianghua Wang, Leiming Fang, Li Lei, Yongjun Li, Juan Hu, Zili Kuo, and Yan Bi, Is Rhenium Diboride a Superhard Material? Advanced Materials 20, 4780-4783(2008).
15.Chao Chen, Duanwei He*,Zili Kou, Fang Peng, Lide Yao, Richeng Yu, and Yan Bi, B6O-based Composite to Rival Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride, Advanced Materials 19, 4288-4291 (2007).
16.Duanwei He* and Thomas S. Duffy, X-ray diffraction study of the static strength of tungsten to 69 GPa, Physical Review B 73, 134106 (2006).
17.Konstantin A. Lokshin, Yusheng Zhao, Duanwei He, Wendy L. Mao, Ho-kwang Mao, Russell J. Hemley, Maxim V. Lobanov, and Martha Greenblatt, Structure and dynamics of hydrogen molecules in the novel clathrate hydrate by high pressure neutron diffraction, Physical Review Letters 93, 125503 (2004).
18.Duanwei He*, Sean R. Shieh and Thomas S. Duffy, Strength and equation of state of boron suboxide from radial x-ray diffraction in a diamond cell under nonhydrostatic compression, Physical Review B 70, 184121 (2004).
19.Duanwei He*, Yusheng Zhao, L. Daemen, J. Qian, T. D. Shen, T.W. Zerda, Boron suboxide: as hard as cubic boron nitride, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 643 (2002).
20.D. W. He*, F.X.Zhang, Ming Zhang, R.P.Liu, Y.F.Xu, W.K.Wang. Quenching with rapid decompression ---- a new method for rapid solidification, Appl. Phys. Lett. 71(26), 3811 ~ 3813 (1997).